Tag: financial independence

Dividend growth stocks for February 2017

Finally, the 1.0 version of The Flip is finished and published. There’s no earth shattering news or additions, but more of a gentle polish through-and-through. We’ll keep improving it but will only push it out to you once we have…

Dividend growth stocks for January 2017

Living The Flip With a new year, just like every day, comes a chance to start fresh and turn goals into reality. If you haven’t done so in a while, go through your daily and/or weekly routines and make sure…

Dividend growth stocks for December 2016

2016 is coming to an end and I feel so happy that I acted and took the time and energy to really kick off The Flip. As always it became a bigger project than anticipated. I thought that I would…

Cover image showing The Flip as when passive income crosses expenses

The Flip Beta is Now Available!

What is The Flip you might ask? It’s a little project I’ve been working on where I’ve tried to gather my ideas and practices for getting solid personal finances while saving and investing to become financially independent. I’ve been living…